Friday, June 11, 2010

Random bits

Whew, what a week so far. Griffin did turn 8 months on Wednesday and I will soon post his 8 month picture. He is the cutest thing ever. I have been thinking about my relationship with my kids and wondering why I seem so attached to my son, not that I am not attached to Sydney because I am and I love her so much, however something is different. Is it because I stayed home longer with Griffin? Because I nursed him longer? Or the realization that I had today is that I am in a happier much less stressful state than I was when Syd was a baby. My job was very stressful when Syd was little and I was very unhappy. I am wondering if I enjoyed her less because of my state of mind. Now I am in an office that I love and I am not stressed or unhappy with my job at all. Does this make any sense? Anyone have any input?

I am tuned into I am especially fond of you just to listen to the music in the background and I always cry with the song "Praise you in this storm" by Casting Crowns. If you haven't heard of Emma and her story tune in and read her families blog.

I had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on Sydney Tuesday night- very scary. She is fine and so am I just a little shaken. If something happened to either of my babies I am not sure how I would cope.

The county amateur was played at our golf course Sunday and my husband rode along with our neighbor to watch her son Lee win the tournament. I would have loved to go along but little kids and gold do not mix so we stayed home and watched what we could from the yard. Bill and I were both reminded of the days of following Christopher play round after round of golf. We both miss those days and miss Chris. We are so happy in NC but miss being close to the big kids.

Top pic is Chris. The bottom picture was taken when Chris and some buddies from the golf team came to visit us. Chris is to the right of Bill.

I had to tell a young teen she was pregnant this week, not fun at all. Every job has pros and cons but some days the cons are really tough.

My sister Ashley and her baby Daniela are in the US and living at my parents. It is so difficult knowing that they are close, well closer than they were when they lived in Mexico and I have yet to see them. July will be here soon and there are some plans in the works.

My other two sisters, Amanda and Audra are both expecting babies in September! So exciting. I saw several pregnant women on vacation and I miss being pregnant. No I do not miss the heartburn or the back pain but being pregnant is truly one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced and I am not sure if I can say I am never going to be pregnant again. Although I am still battling this post baby body and if I finally get to where I am content then I may never want to be pregnant again. Okay that sounds vain but man it has been a battle. I love to eat and I have little time to exercise.

Today was my half day so after exercising and a little laundry I sat in my sun room with my good friend and had a margarita, very rare but she is having a rough week and a drink was in order.

Sydney has been waking up dry every morning for the past 2 weeks so tonight I put her to bed in panties, NO DIAPER!!! We will see how it goes.

Well it is almost time for bed so I will fold another load of laundry and collapse.

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