Sunday, February 22, 2009


Oh the things that technology allows us to experience. Tonight via my computer and webcam I was able to talk to 2 of my 3 sisters. My older sister Amanda lives in Maine and I was able to see her and her family on the webcam while we had a conversation. She had her little girl Ava on her lap and I my little girl, Sydney on my lap. Then Ashley, Amanda and I had a conference call and we could all have a conversation but we could not see each other. We are all new to webcam and Skype so we are not sure if there is a way to see more than one person at a time. Amanda hung up so I could chat with Ashley and see her while we talked. Ashley is living in Mexico and I had not seen her since Christmas. So cool. Even though we all live very far away we are able to keep in touch and "see each other" with the touch of a few buttons. Now we have to get our baby sister who just moved to New Mexico to get a webcam. I was not too sure about the webcam thing but now I think its awesome. I am still trying to figure out how to email a video that I recorded on the webcam. Technology is great but sometimes a challenge to figure out how to do things.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! That's so neat, that you can all three talk to one another and have the little girls on there too. Audra has a webcam. She'll have to get it all hooked up. Not sure if she took it with or if it's with the movers and will be delivered in a week or so.
