Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are you a great marriage partner?

This is from the book " Lists to Live By for Every Married Couple"

Are you a great marriage partner?
  1. Do you give your spouse a hug or a kiss each morning?
  2. Do you look for opportunities to express your love?
  3. Do you surprise your spouse with compliments and gifts?
  4. Do you let go of passing annoyances or differences that could turn into conflicts?
  5. Do you periodically do it his way?
  6. Do you take the time to have heart to heart chats?
  7. Do you truly listen to her?
  8. Do you sometimes say "I'm sorry"?
  9. Do you allow your spouse to "lose it" every once in a while?
  10. Do you pray for each other regularly?
  11. Do you show your love even when you do not feel it?
  12. Do you have eyes only for your partner?
  13. Do you share your dreams and talk about how you can make them come true?
  14. Do you expect to love and cherish him "for as long as you both shall live"?
  15. Do you frequently say " I love you"?

I have a few things that I need to work on in order to be a better partner. Do you agree with the things on this list? Anything that is not on the list that you think would help you be a better partner?

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