Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bits and pieces of conversation

Sydney and I had a rather interesting conversation last night at dinner. She cracks me up. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Did you have a good day?

Sydney: Don't talk about it.

Me: So how did you get that boo boo on your knee?

Sydney: Coulter pushed me and I fell down.

Me: Why did he push you?

Sydney: He does not like me.

Me: Why doesn't he like you?

Sydney: He does not like me.

This part of the conversation was while eating some salad. So I got up to dish out spaghetti and meatballs and Syd started to have a huge fit.

Me: Why are you crying?

Syd: crying.........Sit by me.

Me: I will sit by you as soon as I get our dinner on our plates. Please stop having a fit.

Syd: Sit by me. still crying.

Phone rings...its daddy, want to say hello to him. Still crying. I answer the phone and briefly talk to Bill. I put dinner on the table.

Syd: I am done having a fit now.

Me: Good I do not like fits. Lets eat dinner.

Syd: When I am a big girl I am going to wear deodorant and chew gum.

Me: Yes you will.

So funny.. my kid cracks me up. She remembers things and brings them up weeks later. Her mind is very sharp of course I am biased.


  1. I LOLed at the deodorant comment. :) They are so funny. Henry just got his four year shots yesterday, 4 pokes, so we have quite a pitiful boy on our hands. Asked for his medicine this morning because his legs were sore. :(

  2. oh poor thing. yeah that 4 year old physical is tough.
