Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birth Story

I figured I would go ahead a post a blog about the story of Griffin's arrival. I worked all day Thursday with the plan being that I would work Friday and then start my maternity leave. I felt great Thursday with the exception of being tired. Thursday evening I started to feel some cramping type sensations but really no pain. Around 10:00 pm I was getting ready to go to bed and I thought the cramping was about 10 minutes apart but I was not having pain so I really wasn't sure whether or not to go to the hospital.
After walking around the bedroom and talking it through with Bill for 30 minutes or so we decided to go ahead and go get checked. I had been to the doctor Wednesday and I was 3.5 cm and 80% effaced so I did not want to wait too long and then have things go quick like last time and potentially not make it in time. I called my friend Ellie and told her that it may be a false alarm but we were going to go ahead and go to L&D. She of course said that she would meet us at the ER and take Sydney home and if it was a false alarm no big deal she would just take her onto daycare in the morning. We would feel bad if we woke Sydney up and got Ellie out and it was not the real thing yet on the other hand I did not want to deliver in the car or at home. So we headed in. Sydney was a trooper she did not fuss at all and just told us goodbye and headed off with Ellie.
Still I was in no real pain. Ellie told me the next morning that when Syd got in the car she told Ellie that she had already slept at her house and Ellie of course said well you are going to sleep again at my house. So we got upstairs to L&D and registered and the nurse checked me and said I was still 3.5 cm but on the monitor I was having contractions every 5 minutes. Bill and I talked for 1 hour and then the nurse checked again and she said I had changed but was not quite 4 cm. The nurse called Dr. Tosha Rogers-Jones to give her report, she came in the room with the portable phone and said "well this doesn't happen everyday, she wants to talk to you." I worked with Dr. RJ and Dr. Brooks for 6 months so I have a bit of an inside connection, plus it helps that I am a PA here in town. So Dr. RJ said I could walk for and hour and the nurse would check again but even if I had not changed if I wanted to stay because of how quick I went last time and I would feel more comfortable then she would go ahead and admit. Bill and I walked the halls remembering what it was like when I was in labor with Syd. The contractions were getting a bit stronger but as long as I was walking I felt great and really was in no real pain. Then nurse checked and I was a definite 4 so I decided I wanted to stay. I got situated in my room, the same exact room where Sydney was born and was monitored for a while. My contractions were picking up a bit so I asked to get out of bed and walk again. After a few laps my water broke (just after 3:00) so I then had to get in bed and stay. Now the nurses were hopping because I needed ampicillin since I am group B positive. Last time they got my IV in minutes before Sydney was born and it is supposed to be in for 4 hours so we had to stay an extra day.
The contractions were every 2-3 minutes and stronger now that I was stuck in bed. Bill and I talked in between contractions and he would talk me through the contraction while I focused on breathing. I was nervous to let Bill leave the room. Last time when I had Syd I had sent him down to the cafeteria to get breakfast because I thought it was going to be hours and the nurse had to go get him and he arrived at the room just in time. So Bill really needed to go to the bathroom and I was like hurry, he waited for the end of a contraction and ducked into the bathroom in our room and was out before the next one began. Then he wanted a cup of coffee from the waiting room down the hall and I was like hurry! Griffin was handling the contractions beautifully and I kept telling Bill to jiggle the mouse when the screen saver would come up so I could watch Griffin's heart rate on the monitor.
So now I was about a 6 and things were picking up. The nurses started getting the warmer ready and the surgical table. Very quickly I was an 8 and they called Dr. RJ. I was a bit nervous that she would not get there in time because I know where she lives and it is out a ways. Well she made it! Sometime around 5:30 or 5:40 I was complete and ready to push. I was not watching the clock at this time but Bill thinks I probably pushed for 10 minutes or less and he was out. Whew what work it is having a baby. I had a completely natural childbirth and I feel like a warrior. Bill and the nurses were so encouraging and I could not have done it without their encouragement. I would say I was really only in pain for 2 hours and only bad pain for 10-20 minutes. Griffin cried right away and was absolutely perfect! Griffin weighed 7 lbs 5 oz which is exactly what Sydney weighed! Also coincidental both my babies were born 8 days before the due date! He stayed in our room with us during our entire stay minus a trip to the nursery for a blood draw and hearing test. Bill and I both missed Sydney immensely and we were anxious to see her reaction. When Ellie brought Syd home she was so excited and immediately wanted to hold brother! We are so blessed and thank God daily for our healthy children.

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