Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mexican food did not work

Yes, I am still pregnant. I must say I am to the point where I am ready to deliver. I am trying to be patient but I want to meet my little boy! Last night we went out and ate Mexican food. The night before I delivered Sydney we went out to Mexican food with some friends so we thought just maybe it would do the trick again. Well no luck. I had an appointment today, dilated a little more than last week 2.5 cm so we are still making progress. My doctor did go ahead and strip my membranes so maybe that will get things going. People are always more than willing to tell you their story and what made them go in to labor, in reality I think it happens when the baby is good and ready. I am still working full time and it is definitely wearing on me. I am thinking I may work one more full week and if I am still pregnant then I may take that last week off before my due date. We will have to wait and see. Anyone care to share what put them into labor??


  1. Sadly, waiting for them to choose to come out was the only thing that worked for me. :(

  2. Henry was a total surprise that he was coming that day (water broke), but the membranes stripping worked for Patrick! Didn't try anything else really, but coincidentally, we did have Mexican the night before my water broke with Henry. :) Good luck woman!
