Monday, August 26, 2013

First Grade

Introducing our first grader....Sydney Hall!  Wow when did our baby girl grow up? I truly feel like not that long ago she was just a little baby.  She is so grown up and mature.  She is the best big sister (95% of the time).  She is getting a big girl, mature, beautiful face and losing that baby face.  Today was a great day.  She helped me pack her lunch and we took a few pictures at home.  (pictures are a but blurry due to me dropping my camera on vacation, yes I need a new one FAST)  We took Griffin to daycare and met Bill at the school. 

Little brother wanting to be part of the excitement.
We met her teacher, Mrs Knapp and looked around her classroom.  We took a few more pictures.  (I did have Bill take a few on his IPhone just in case my camera was as messed up as I thought). 
We gave our baby girl hugs and kisses and told her to have a great day. 
When I picked her up this afternoon she said it was a good day.  She was on red, which is the best color in first grade.  She is excited about being allowed to buy ice cream on Fridays and also being able to go to computer lab.  We are excited for another year of learning and growing.

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