Sydney is in a dress phase. She has worn a dress for 2-3 weeks straight. When I saying see has been wearing a dress I am not just talking about during the day, she has been sleeping in dresses. I even bought two more night gowns but no it must be a dress. I usually pick her clothes out the night before and she really does not have a choice and never really cared. Well not lately. We have tried picking the dress out the night before but she usually changes her mind in the morning. It is not hurting anything to let her wear a dress to bed, and they are cotton and comfy so it is fine with me. The only bad thing is we do not have that many dresses so I am doing laundry frequently but I already do laundry frequently since Griffin wears cloth diapers so this is nothing new.
I went through a clothing phase once except it was turtle necks. I think at one point I had 17 turtle necks. Is this right mom? Anyway my mom was tired of me always wearing the same thing when I had other clothes in the closet so she kept what I had worn in the laundry room and did not give it back until I wore some of my other clothes!
My big question though is what to buy for fall. I buy Syd's school (daycare) clothes at a consignment sale and if I buy all dresses and tights then I just know she is going to want to wear pants!
Does anyone else have these silly