Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nine Months

Our baby boy is 9 months old! (He was actually 9 months last Friday but we have been busy)
It was a bit of a challenge to get a picture of him in his crib.

He kept crawling around and by the time the camera took a photo he was gone.

Griffin is crawling like a pro! Initially he would stay in the same room with me and would not venture far. Those days are over, he is crawling room to room and doesn't mind going it alone.

He is also pulling up already! I am tempted to put a helmet on him because I just hate the boo boo stage.

He has a check up Wednesday am so I will let you know how big he is getting to be. He is now on Enfamil AR due to some reflux. He eats food 3 times a day and loves it all. He recently tried beets and ate them up! He is a fan of mango, apricots, green beans, peas, carrots, applesauce.....well everything.

He just had his first ear infection on the 4th! Bummer. For a few nights he did not sleep well but now that the antibiotic is working he is sleeping all night as usual.

He is in love with his big sis. He thinks she is so funny and she can make him laugh just by smiling at him. Griffin is a joy everyday and we are so blessed to have him. We are in a state of shock that he is 9 months, where did my baby go?

* UPDATE: At Griffin's appt today he weighed 18 lbs 13 oz (25th%) and measured 27 inches (25th%). He was 50th% for both height and weight but all the recent crawling is burning up the calories.

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