Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What do you do?

I am just curious how you do things at your house with Christmas gifts.  I was driving home the other night and was listening to KLOVE and a woman shared that her kids get four gifts: 1 gift they want, 1 gift they need, 1 thing to wear and 1 thing to read!  I thought this was so neat.  Bill and I are in agreement about Christmas- we try to keep it simple and put more of the focus on the real meaning of Christmas versus the gifts and all the commercialism.  We still buy our kids gifts but we stay within our budget and also try not to set this huge expectation of piles of presents.  We also talk about Santa and his reindeer but more than that we talk about the birth of Jesus and the gift of his life.  Our kids still end of opening plenty of presents because they have generous grandparents and also neighbors (that sometimes act like grandparents and spoil our kids).  We enjoy the season thoroughly and love all the decorating, baking, Christmas crafts, singing songs, being involved in charities, Christmas festivities and more.  As the kids get older I am sure it will be harder because they will be influenced more by other kids and also television but for now they are very happy and recognize that we are very blessed.  Do you have a set number of gifts or a set dollar amount?  Just curious. 

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