Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yard Pictures

My husband is OCD about the yard, I have probably mentioned this before. But he also does enjoy yard work and it is a bit of a hobby. He takes a lot of pride in keeping things nice. Recently he took on the task of redoing the rock beds. This is a small one around the mailbox. Bill basically moved all the rocks and restacked them. He planted these flowers as a surprise for me for Mother's Day.

This is a random picture of some new grass that he planted along the side of the driveway. Of time the soil was eroding and when we had extra top soil from the garden project he put it along the driveway and planted grass.

This bed is in the back of the yard and wasn't in too bad of shape but he again fixed up the rocks and we added fresh mulch.

Most of the back yard

This bed was in bad disarray because when we worked on the sun room project the painter knocked over a bunch of rocks and it was a mess.

See how straight the edge is and how nicely the rocks are arranged. If you are OCD you can appreciate otherwise you probably think my husband has lots of extra time on his hands (not true at all).

Bill enjoyed the project and he was amazed at how well the rocks fit together.

We have spent a lot of time and energy in the yard this spring but the results are beautiful. I think we are done with projects for a while.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. You have definitely been busy, but is looks amazing!!
