Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Guess what...

Griffin Sawyer is crawling (8 months and 8 days old)! I had this awesome video that I was going to post last Thursday night when he crawled for the first time however there is some sort of error with videos on blogger and I have not been successful. It is so cute to watch him move around. He is into everything. I keep a journal for both my kids and I write down all kinds of stuff such as milestones, stats, words they say at any given age, the funny things they say and do and how much we love them. I was writing in Griffin's journal about him crawling and it was so bitter sweet. It has been the same way with Sydney, we are so excited to see them do new things yet so sad that they are growing so fast. My baby boy is CRAWLING. I feel like I blinked and he is no longer this tiny baby.

This week is vacation Bible school and we dropped Sydney off on Sunday night after we all ate dinner. It felt so weird to be leaving her at the church by herself. My friend Ellie and her husband Garret are the crew leaders so I know she is fine but it is just an odd feeling to leave her somewhere. I know that I leave her at daycare every week day but this is different. It also is odd to pick up one child at daycare and only come home with one child. I am so used to two now that one is a breeze. It has been a great week so far but it has been long days for Sydney. Normal bedtime at our house is 7:30 because we get up early but this week I have been tucking Sydney in at about 9:20. So far she is holding up okay. She is having a blast at VBS and learning so much. All the way home tonight she was singing "Who built the ark? Noah, Noah. Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark" Every few minutes she would sing "Noah Brother built the ark" so funny. I was cracking up in the front seat. Anyway it has been a good week so far and tomorrow is my half day!! I will keep trying to upload the video because it really is priceless.

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