Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kiddo Update

Sydney: she had her four year check up last week! She is such a big girl. She weighed 38 pounds (75th percentile) and 40 inches (55th percentile). She passed her ASQ (developmental screen) with flying colors, she is so smart. We are so proud of our four year old. On another note she started wheezing the day before her appointment and we are doing nebs three times daily. Her cough still sounds horrid but it is more loose now instead of super tight.

Griffin: tubes just over 1 week ago and he is the happiest kid, although he was so happy even when he had infected ears. He slept 11 hours Saturday night but since then has not done as well. We had Mexican Sunday and I think maybe the spice bothered him and then we had Chili Monday and again it was a bit spicy. I also think he is teething. Poor guy. He is walking everywhere and loving it. Griffin walks circles around the house usually carrying his little golf club. He says mama, daddy, quack, uh-o, and go. If you say "ready" he says "go". So sweet.

Well that is it for now.

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