Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Worthy of a picture

This is what we call a bow out! Griffin is famous for blow outs but this is the worst yet. It was in the back and the front! I thought it was worthy of a picture, or two, or three.

There was as much poop or more outside of the diaper than there was inside. I once had a mom bring her child to an appointment with me 45 minutes late because of a poopy diaper. At the time I was irritated because we have a 15 minute late policy but because the child was sick I went ahead and saw him. I believe he had an ear infection and I would hate to have him be miserable just because his mom was late. Anyway if it was a poop like this I guess I can understand being 45 minutes late. This required a bath for sure!

Griffin is 2 months old today! I will post his 2 month pic and stats tomorrow after his 2 month well child check. Bummer he gets shots.


  1. My mom was changing Katy's diaper @ a restaurant, and it turned out to be one of these type of blow outs. She was alone, so she tried to call me on my phone for help. The restaurant was so noisy I didn't hear it. So she tried my dad. And my brother. And my husband. No luck.

    After a while, I had to go myself, so I just happened to come across her when she needed some serious assistance.

  2. my kid hasn't had any blow outs yet, but sometimes she goes while you are changing her diaper. she got mom's pants all dirty once :) mom took a picture, maybe she'll put it on kodak.

  3. WOW...that is CRAZY. I would feel like I wouldn't even know where to start :)

    Thankfully I never really had two many serious blow outs like that with either of the kids...I guess I got incredibly lucky!!
