Griffin Sawyer is 10 months old! Does this even seem possible? I am truly in shock over how fast my children grow up. My baby is almost a toddler and almost toddling.
He loves to be snuggled and I often feel him rubbing the back of my arm or my back when I am holding him.
He sleeps like a champ and has since he was around 8 weeks, with the exception of his two ear infections.
The new thing is both of them crawling around the kitchen table, chasing each other. Griffin stops crawling every once in a while to let out a screech.
He is eating all kinds of new foods- most still pureed but I have gotta to eat a few chunky things. Just tonight he had garbanzo beans and loved picking up the little halves and feeding himself.
He thoroughly enjoys being in his stroller and will be content for well over an hour if we are walking.
Bath time (AKA tubby time) is still a favorite for him. He is a maniac in the water, splashing, climbing over Syd and standing up to the edge of the tub.
At 10 months old we love him as much or more than the day we brought him home. Remember that glorious day?
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