Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Opinions Change

Opinions change, usually over time but sometimes quickly. Prior to having kids we have all sorts of thoughts, and expectations of how things will be when we have our own kids. You may see a child behaving poorly in public, for instance having a tantrum, or talking disrespectfully to their parent and you think "my child will never behave that way." You may even think to yourself "that child needs a spanking" or some form of discipline. Because there is no way that a child who is disciplined would act such a way. In reality when you have your own children you realize that even the best behaved kids have bad days and throw tantrums over silly things. Some children like my Sydney have been spanked before but do not seem to respond very well. We reserve spanking for serious things such as dangerous situations. I will give you an example- Sydney was having a tantrum at school one day because I said no to her bringing home a school toy. I tried to calmly explain that school toys have to stay at school and if everyone was allowed to take them home there would not be any toys at the school. Well so launched into a huge tantrum, crying, stomping her feet etc. So I being super mom carried her out holding her around her waist in one arm and Griffin in the carrier (just a baby at the time) in my other arm all the way out of the daycare and to the care. I set Syd down and told her to stay while I put Griffin in the car. Well she took off and ran across the daycare parking lot to the door of the daycare. Needless to say she got a spank.

Before I had kids I worked in family practice and I spent much of my day talking with people about their chronic health issues, diabetes, heart disease, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Many of my patients needed to eat better and less and exercise more. I tried to be understanding but in my mind I judged these people. Prior to having Sydney I was running 5 miles a day 6 days a week and eating well. Once Sydney was not nursing I walked with my neighbor every morning at 530 but stopped when I was about 28 weeks pregnant with Griffin. I am still eating well but I no longer have time to run, unless I am chasing one of my kids. I believe I could and would find the time to exercise regularly if I was a stay at home mom, but I am not. The reality of this situation is that there is not enough time in my day and I know you need to make time for things that are important to you but exercise gets moved down the list of priorities. I could take a class at the YMCA or go to the gym and put my kids in the nursery there but I am not willing to be away from them any more than I already am. So my solution is to exercise as a family on the weekend and on the rare occasion when Bill is home early enough in the evening and I have enough energy. I know try to not judge and to realize that most people are just as busy as I am or busier and may have more pressing things to accomplish besides exercise.

There are times I have questioned someones motives or reasoning behind a decision and really this is not my place. I have no idea what is happening in someones life at any giving time or what has happened in the past to effect their decision.

I need to continue to strive to be sensitive to others and their life situations. I have changed some opinions and probably need to change a few more but I am a work in progress.

Have you changed any opinions?

1 comment:

  1. i came across a blog the other day where the girl was a raving jerk. she was saying that her cashier at Target (who she assumed was 60 yrs old) was a low life who didn't plan ahead and now had to work. she went on to say that there should be a law against anyone over 50 working. i was shocked.
    and of course she had comments turned off. i was also surprised to find that she had over 300 followers. what does that say?
    i think the kind of judging you're talking about is pretty normal - we've all done that.
    we spent 8 years trying to start our family and had plenty of time to talk about what we would and wouldn't do. that all flew right out the window!
    so you shouldn't beat yourself up for normal thoughts.
    you're nowhere near that girl!
