Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Big Girl

My girl is so big! This first picture is a bit dark but I love it anyway. Syd is so content to sit and do anything related to art. Here she is practicing stencils.

Her hair is so cute when she actually lets someone do it, which is happening more often lately.

She is so sweet. We recently had some drama with a fall and bumping her teeth on a table at school. We made an emergency trip to the pediatric dentist, had x-rays and hopefully her teeth will not turn colors. I think we are past the point of them falling out, they were intially slightly loose.

Her teeth are so pretty and I am thankful
they are still in her mouth.


  1. She looks so grown up! It all goes way to fast. I remember when Corban was little he fell and we had the same type emergency. Not fun and scary. I will be praying that her teeth stay put.

  2. I see she is in a dress! LOL Such a cutie pie!
