Saturday, September 11, 2010

Picky Eaters

Do you have any picky eaters at your house? I do not. Bill is probably the pickiest eater at our house and I really would not classify him as picky. I talk to kids and parents everyday and we talk about what the kids eat. A big part of my job as a PA in pediatrics involves discussing healthy habits for kids. It just so happens that there are only four states that have a higher rate of childhood obesity than North Carolina. Wow, let that sink in for a minute. Providers in North Carolina have a big job ahead of them. Obesity really is a separate issue but often there is a direct link between picky eaters and obesity.

What do you classify as picky? In talking with parents I have come to realize that what some people define as picky is very different from another person's definition. We could debate the definition of picky all day but this really is not all that relevant. I just recognize picky when I see it. When a parent tells me their child only eats a handful of foods and they start listing pizza, chicken nuggets, cereal, hot dogs....all the bells in my head start going off. Personally I cannot imagine what I would do if this is all my children would eat. I even had one mom tell me her child will only eat chicken nuggets from 2 fast food restaurants- no store bought nuggets. The really crazy part to me is that she goes to the restaurants and buys them regularly. What I am interested in is why are some kids picky eaters? I do believe that in some cases the parents are to blame. I have some parents who do not introduce their children to certain foods because they do not like them themselves. In their defense I will say I do not cook a lot of foods for my children that I do not like, however there are not many foods that I do not like. I strive to feed my children a well balanced diet. I also limit unhealthy foods and processed foods. I do not allow pop (Bill sneaks Syd a sip of his diet pop occasionally) and I very seldom allow juice. Sydney has always been an exceptional eater and also has consistently been in the higher percentiles for her age. I really try to offer healthy snacks and limit excess calories in order to keep her weight appropriate for her height and age. Yet there are some kids who are picky and their parents have introduced a variety of foods. Sometimes in talking with parents I discover that one parent is picky and I believe this influences the child and they refuse certain foods because they see a parent doing the same.

Do you think breast feeding has a role? Are babies who are breast fed less picky because they have been exposed to flavors through their mom's milk? What is your opinion? Both my children were breastfed until 6 months and both of my children are exceptional eaters. Did you breast feed and are your children picky or not picky? Do you think there is a link?

Please share your comments on picky eaters. If you have a picky eater how have you managed and what do you think has contributed? I really am trying to gather input and tips so that I can share with parents.


  1. My kids are pretty good eaters! Carson is our picky eater and he seems to go in spurts. We have a rule at our house for eating things. You must always try a "No Thank-You" bite, then if you don't like it you don't have to eat more. Sometimes this means Carson only eats two bites of his dinner and is done. I leave that as his choice, but that also means he won't be eating again until the next meal. He seems to be getting better the older he gets. Now we often have him take his "No Thank-You" bite and then he says "Wait, I like this now!". I have always tried to offer a variety of foods so that they don't get used to only certain things.

  2. We also have a 1 bite policy. I frequently reference Green Eggs and Ham and remind Sydney that through the whole book he did not like green eggs and ham and at the end he finally tried it and loved them!

  3. I breastfed both kids for a year, always gave them what we had for dinner (not getting special things, or making special things - which I think make for picky eaters as well), we try various things, and with Titus it did not matter even the slightest...he has always been VERY picky. The doctor now thinks it may have to do with his acid reflux - like maybe certain food bother him? But really, he just doesn't do well with new stuff. He will say "no" to something before he even tries it. We of course have the kids try at least a couple bites, but he is so stubborn that sometimes he still says he doesn't like it, and I wonder if it is just because he has his mind set to it :) Frustrating, but after 5 years of it, I guess I am used to it :) :)
